Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Island of the Ogres

When I was still a kid, I usually read story books . That is one of my hobbies. But there was really a story that I really really like. And I would like to share it to you.

Long long ago, in the little village of Kurusu near the Kiso River there lived an old woodcutter and his old wife. They were poor and hard-working couple but they were happy. They were glad to have a house to live in, a rice to eat but there is something that they don't have. This made them feel sad. They never had a child. More than anything, they wanted a little boy.

One day, the old man went out into the forest to cut wood. The old woman went to the river to wash the laundry. As she was washing the clothes, she saw something floating down the river. As it came closer, she saw that it was the biggest peach she has ever seen in her life. And it was truly an enormous peach!

When the sun started to set, she went home. She brought the peach with her. Then she called out her husband. She said "I have a surprise for you my husband," she said with a smile. "Just take a look!"

The old man's eyes grew wide. He can't believe what he saw in front of him. He said to his wife, "Never have I seen such an enormous peach," he cried. "Where did you buy it?"

"That is the best part," her wife told him. "I found it floating down the river while I was washing the clothes."

"Remakable," said the man. "Well, it will taste all the better because we didn' t have to spend money for it! Let us share it."

Taking out his knife, he was about to slice the peach in half when it fell apart. The two old people saw an amazing sight. In the middle of the paech, instead of a stone, there sat a beautiful baby boy! He smiled and held out his hands to the old man and woman.

"A baby boy! A son!" cried out the old woman, picking up the baby boy and hugging him. "He was given to us by the gods!"

They named the baby boy Momotaro-The Little Peach Boy. They treated him as their own and they were never sad again.

Many years have passed and Momotaro grew up. When he reached the age of fifteen, he went to his parents and said to them, "Mother and Father, all these years you have taken care of me. Now the time has come that I will take care of you. I must go away for a while and when I come back, I will bring wealth to you that you won't have to worry about anything again."

"But where are you going?" asked his mother.
"Far in the north is an island," said Momotaro. "Upon the island live a tribe of terrible ogres. They are very wealthy and rich. They kill and rob people. And because of that I am going to punish them."

The old man gasped in dismay. "I know those ogres Momotaro. They have red skins and horns. They also eat human flesh! How can you possibly conquer them? You are but a boy!"

At this, Momotaro smiled and said, "Remember I am not an ordinary boy. I am the Peach Boy. I can do anything no other boys can do!"

His parents knew this was true and so they agreed. His mother made some balls of rice for him to take so that he would have something to eat when he gets hungry.

Momotaro set out. He was about a quarter of the way to the Island Of Ogres when a thin dog approached him.

"Do you have something to eat?" asked the dog. "Of course" and Momotaro gave him some balls of rice. After that, the dog happily followed him. When he was half-way to the Island, a thin-looking monkey approached him and asked for the same thing. Momotaro gave the monkey some balls of rice and after the monkey ate the rice, the monkey followed Momotaro happily.

Momotaro was about three-quaters away when a large bird flew out of the bush and landed on his shoulders and aked for some balls of rice. Momotaro gave the bird some rice and after he bird has eaten, the bird stayed on his shoulder.

Finally Momotaro and his companions reached the coast. "What is that?" asked the dog, staring at the water. "That is the sea" Momoaro replied. "Now we must find a way to get to the Island of Ogres."

He looked around. Momotaro had the animals gather up woods they could find. When they have gathered up all the woods, Momotaro made a raft out of it. H used the hairs of the monkey and the dog to tie up the woods.

Then they started their travel. And after many hours, they reached their destination. They moved towards the castle. He then commanded the bird to fly all the way up to the castle and see if there are many ogres inside. Then the bird flew off. In short time, the bird returned and said, "The ogres are all inside the castle."

"Climb over the gate and open it." he told the monkey. After a while, Momotaro heared the bar being pulled out and he was able to go inside with the dog and the bird. He then shouted, "Ogres! I have come to end your wickedness!"

With that the ogres came rushing out of the castle. Momotaro's faher was right. They really look horrible.

"Foolish boy!" said Akandoji, the leader of the group. "Now we shall eat you!"

But Momotaro had explained to the animals what are they going to do. He then shouted to his companions, "Attack!"

The dog bit the legs of the ogres. The monkey pulled out their horns while the bird pecked their eyes. Momotaro ran towards Akandoji. Akandoji tried to get out from Momotaro but Momotaro was too strong for him. Momotaro asked he him, "Do you give up?"

"Yes! Yes! I give up! Make them stop!" cried Akandoji.
"Only if you pull out your horns." Momotaro said.

Then the ogres pulled out their horns. Momotaro then commanded the ogres to bring out their treasures. The ogres followed.

And so Momotaro went home with a bunch of treasures. They never had to worry again. As for Momotaro he became rich and he lived happily with his family.

It is a nice story right? Well that's it. That is my favorite story and I still read it over and over again.

source: Childcraft Story and poems

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