Saturday, March 10, 2007

A scar to remember

"Be careful or you might get hurt!" This is always what I hear from my mom everytime I play with my playmates. I was still a kid at that time but I never ever had a scar. My mom thinks that having scars is something to be ashamed of. That is why she is so careful with me. I understand my mom. I mean there are no parents in this world who are not worried about their children. That is why I just cooperated with her.

As I was saying, I thought that I wounld not have any scar but I was wrong. I was really really wrong. There are few people in this wold who do no have a single scar on their skin.

When I was still a kid, I used to play "Tag-your-It". It was also my favorite game. I was so slow when it comes to running but eventhough I fell to the ground many times, I never had a scar. I was really really confident that I wouldn't have any scars but my mom was still scared and conscious.

I was starting to think about this "anomalous" behavior and so I asked my mom. She told me that the thing that keeps me from having scars on my skin might be my guardian angel. She told me that guadian angels cannot be seen. I asked her why. But she only said that guadian angels cannot be seen because they are like souls. I wished that I may be able to see them but my mom told me that eventhough I do anything, I would not be able to see them. She also said that guardian angels are being told by Him to guard and protect us always. She also said that I can talk to them but the only thing is I cannot see them.

And so many days have passed by and I still did not have any scar. I still played "Tag-you-It" with my playmates. My playmates were just my neighbors. I enjoyed running under the heat of the sun with my playmates.

But I started to get bored running all day. I stopped playing wih my playmates. I got bored. Evertime they invite me to play wih them, I refused. I was tired of running. I was tired of chasing my playmates all day.

And hen it hit me. An idea hit me. Why don't I try playing another game. I asked my cousin to help me hink of some games that she knows. She mnioned many games but I was interested in "Hide and Seek". I asked her if she can teach me. She told me the mechanics of the game. Then after she has told me, we played together. I was enjoying and not long after, I inroduced this game to my friends and playmates.

And so days passed by. I started to get bored playing "Hide and Seek". The swing at our backyard caught my attention. One day I followed my cousin. She was walking towards the swing. When I reached our backyard, I saw her sitting on one of the swing's chairs. I approached her and I sat on one of the chairs. It was a nice chair. Then my cousin started to tell me funny stories. She told me about the funny experience of her classmate. It was about her classmate jumping from the swing. Her classmate wasn't hurt at all. I started o think. Why won't I try that. But my cousin told me not to follow that. I did not realize that it would be dangerous to try jumping from the swing. I did not notice that I was able to jump from the swing. As to what happened next, I was very very unfortunate. My cousin was too late to stop me from jumping.

And after that event, I learned a lesson. Always listen to your elders if you know what is safe for you.

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