Saturday, March 17, 2007

advantages and disadvantages of blog making(in me)

By March 19, 2007, we should have posted 33 blog entries. As I type my blog entries, My eyes start to ache, my fingers start to get numb. But besides these bad effects on me, I realized that my typing skills began to improve. My blog making skills also flourished like what ideas I am going to post.

But what are really the effects of this blog project of ours? In this blog, I will tell you the good and bad effects in me in blog making.....

Let us first start with the good effects. One good effect in me was that my typing skills improved. I was very very very very bad at typing. I was also so slow in typing. When we had our Investigatory project in our first year, I let Althea Gil Bana-ay to type the needed files for the project. Althea was very very very fast when it comes to typing especially at the computer keyboard. I would really love to type on the keyboard but I was very very very slow. We might be late if I will type the needed files for the project. But when Mr. Montejo told us to make a blog project, at first I got worried because I might pass my project late because I was very very very very slow when it comes to type-writing. But as I make my blog entries every other day and every weekends, I noticed that I was not slow anymore at type-writing. I was glad about that.

Another good effect is that my blog making skills improved a lot. I was very very very bad when it comes to blog making like what post am I going to talk about. I was also very very very bad at essay writing because there are only few aides that come into my mind. But because of the blog project, my blog making skills improved.

When there is a good effect in what you do, there is also a bad effect. One is about my body. When I make my blogs, my eyes start to hurt as I stay longer in front of the computer. When I asked Althea about this, (she is also my nurse and doctor.. JOKING!!!!) she told me that it might be the radiation from the computer. She thinks that the radiation entered my eyes that is why they hurt. That was the first time I knew about that. So I told myself to minimize the time facing in front of the computer. But I also told myself, how about my blog projects? Now that is one problem. I could not answer my problem.

Many hours passed by but my fingers start to get numb. Sometimes I can no longer move them fast when I type my blog entries. I do not why so I just rest for a while. Then I start to think about y blog entries. Oh My God! I am just wasting time!

And the last but not the least bad effect is that I spent a lot of money. Now that we are not rich, I sometimes sacrifice my daily allowance and daily "baon" so that I can type my blog entries...

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