Thursday, March 22, 2007

Love is a Fallacy (reaction to the story)

Dicto Simpliciter, Hasty Generalization, Post Hoc, Contradictory Premises, Ad Misericordiam, False Analogy, Hypothesis Contrary to Fact, Poisoning the Well. Hey these words sound unfamiliar. But do you know what these words are? These words are examples of fallacies of logic. What is logic by the way? Logic means the science of thinking. What is a fallacy? A fallacy is a component of an argument that is demonstrably flawed in its logic or form, thus rendering the argument invalid in whole, except in the case of begging the question, a false analogy and other informal fallacies. Actually this is only the first time I heard these words. And because of Sir Elmer I knew about these words.

These words are part of the story, Love is a Fallacy. At first, I did not like the story because it was very long. It was a story by Max Schulman and you know what? I really liked the story.

The story was about this guy who happens to be a law student. When I read the story from the begining I got kind of bored because some sentences were not so understandable. But I have to read the story so that I can make a reaction paper and a summary of the story. At first I thought that it was as love story because the main character mentioned about this girl that he liked. And so I began to be interested about the story because I like love sories. But then as the story goes on, I realizes that it was the girl named Polly Espy who is really stupid. I thought that she was a worthless person. She may be beautiful as what the main character told us, the readres, but she was kind of ignorant. She was a really and very stupied girl. But the guy was for me also kind of idiot. I mean he really persevered enough to teach the girl some fallacies of logic. I told myself that the gut really took the risk of teachng the girl. The guy also has this saying that it is, after all, easier to make a beautiful dumb girl smart than to make an ugly smart girl beautiful. This made me think that he is really courageous to take the risk of teaching the dumb girl.

And luckily he was lucky. The girl was able to learn about fallacies. But the bad thing is that the girl learned too much. When the guy told something to the girl, the girl told him that what he just said was just a fallacy. I thought that oh no the girl really learned too much. She took all the lessons that she learned very literally. She compared it to real life. The girl was really stupid enough to use what she learned against her teacher. And just because Petey Bellows has a raccoon coat does not mean that he is so cool and perfect for the girl but is he really perfect for the girl?

I really like the fact that Polly liked Petey than the guy. Well they are compatible because they are stupid (the Petey guy and Polly). But I wished that I can read a lot more stories like this.

Love is a Fallacy (summary)

There was this guy who is cool and intelligent. He was a law student. This guy is only eighteen. We can call him Mr. Smart. There was also a guy. This guy was his roommate and his name is Petey Bellows. This guy is a kind of well he is really idiot. He follows the “faddists” in their school. He thinks that following these people from what they wear, what they do and everything is making you look cool. He will even surrender himself to idiocy just because these people are doing this and doing that.

One afternoon, Mr. Guy found Petey lying on his body with a distressful look. He thought that his friend might be suck of something and told him not to move because he is going to call a doctor. But then his friend suddenly sounded a word. His friend told him this word which is “Raccoon”. He asked his friend what he has just asked him. His friend replied that he needed a raccoon coat. Petey also told his friend that he should wear it because the big guys are wearing it in the campus. But then Mr. Guy replied that he cannot wear a raccoon coat because they smell bad they weigh too much. But then Petey replied that he has to. He would even give anything to the world if he has to so that he can have a raccoon coat. When the guy heard this, he realized that his father has a raccoon coat at home and he can give it to Petey because it so happens that the guy wants something from Petey. Well actually he did not have it but he had first rights on it. He was referring to Polly Espy.

Polly Espy is truly a beautiful girl. She has a nice figure and body. She was not yet of pin-up proportions. Her table manners were very exquisite. She may be beautiful but she was a dumb girl. A very stupid girl.

So the guy finally decided to give the raccoon coat to Petey. So he returned home and got the raccoon coat from his father. He then gave it to Petey. When Petey saw the raccoon coat, he was shocked. He was very shocked. The guy then asked Petey if he would like it. Petey replied yes and asked his friend what he wants for it. The guy replied him your girl. Petey flung the coat from him and replied to him no. The gut told him that it is his business if he does not want it. And after many minutes have passed, Petey gave in. He accepted his friend's deal.

So the guy started with inviting the girl to a dinner. He also invited the girl to a movie. And from this, he realized that it may take a long time to make the girl learn. Sometimes he wants to give Polly back to Petey but he must not give up.

So one evening, Mr. Guy or the the guy started to teach the girl some fallacies of logic. And until the fifth night, they stopped talking about fallacies because the girl was already good at it (well not that good). But at least the girl learned from the guy. They had stopped because he told the girl that they might be well matched but the girl used all the fallacies that he had learned from him against him. The guy was starting to be irritated and told her not to use the fallacies literally. But the girl again told him that what he has just said was a fallacy. The guy asked her if she can go steady with her. Then the girl told the guy that he cannot go steady with him because she already promised to Petey that she will go steady with him. The guy asked the girl why would she like Petey Bellows over him and asked for a logical reason. The girl told the guy that she must go steady with Petey because he has a raccoon coat.

What a UP Student is Not

As I walk from my house to school, I notice that there are many people who will look at me. As they look at my skirt, then at my ID then at my necktie, I thought that they may be thinking behind the back of their heads that “So she is a UP Student”. I thought that they may be thinking that I am intelligent as they think. Some would even ask questions about me like “Is it hard to study in UP?” As they look at me, I really want to end it. Because it is really irritating and annoying. I thought that they may be thinking that I am the perfect student but I am really not. And so I would like to tell you what we are not.

First is that we are not perfect as I told you. I believe that nobody is perfect except for one person and his name is Mr. Perpecto as what our Home technology teacher in our 6th grade told us. When we say “perfect” it means that they have all the qualities. The good qualities in being a student. Like for example, they say that we are very smart but we are not really that smart. We are also like other students in other schools who are beginning to learn new things.

Another is that we are not only intelligent and bright students. It is not just brains but also we have the talents. There are students here in UP High that are also talented. There is Ate Virganie Oyao who is the Cebu’s Princess of Dance. Not only her but there are also clubs here in UP that not only consider the brains but also the talents. There is the UP Glee club whose members have such wonderful voices. There is also the UPSTAGE whose members do not have wonderful voices only but also the talent like Acting and Dancing. But let us not forget the students who are good in writing. The Tambuli members who have the minds that can captivate the students by their writing.

We are also not disrespectful to other people. As other people think that whenever a UP Student will answer his or her parents, they will then think that we do not have any respect for our elders. But the only reason why we answer to our elders is that we believe in what we say.

We are also not the “contrabida’s” of this country. They say that UP Students are the bad guys. Just like the activists. As you can see, most people who are into rallying are UP students. Then when they look into a UP student they will then think that this student will grow into a bad person.

We are also not immodest just be cause the people call us the “Iskolar ng Bayan”. We do not boast this just because we are given that title. But actually as what our Social Science teacher that we should consider ourselves lucky because our tuition is paid by the tax payers who are working very hard just to pay the taxes.

For me these are what the people will be thinking as they stare a Upian but we are like every student in this world who dream to have a better life and achieve our own dreams.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

mispronunciation(s) are prone to us (only)

I have mentioned to you about my best friends right? They were Allana, Brigitte, Gilphanie, Grechelle and the last but not the last Josephine. And because we are very close, we almost share funny experiences. We only not share funny things. We also share our food (except for this month because we had an agreement). But in this blog entry, I will tell you the words we mispronounced.

It was me who said this word. Every time we talk with my best friends, there are many many words that I mispronounce but this word is the most popular. When did I say this word “accidentally”? It was when we had our snacks in the canteen. We were talking about this certain person. But then as I saw her going in the canteen, I told my friends “speking of the devil”. And when I said that, my friends started to tease me all along.

Who said this girls and boys? It was Allana who said this while she was reporting for our Geometry class. She was discussing about the number she was assigned to. Me and Brigitte were listening very carefully for a mispronounced word she is going to commit. And we were unsuccessful. As she said “ The me—“ , me and Brigitte started to laugh. We were very right. She almost said the word but unluckily she did not finish it so not all the people noticed that she had a word mispronounced.

*prince of TINIS
It is supposed to be Tennis right? But we can’t really avoid mispronunciation of words right? Now Gilphanie was the next victim to be teased. I thought that Allana, Brigitte, and me of course, are the only people who are well victims of this sickness but I did not know that we are going to tease Gilphanie about this. She spoke this word while they were talking about anime (we are really addicted to anime that all that we talk about are about anime).This anime entitled “Prince of Tennis” is what they were talking bout. But then Gilphanie said “tinnis” in front of us. And again we started laughing.

Wait “weken”? I thought it is supposed to be “weaken” right? It was Josephine who said this word. It was during our class in Social Science. During this class, we read paragraphs from our books. When it was Josephine's turn, we were listening if there would be words that would be mispronounced. Then Josephine said “To weken their forces…”. When we heard that, we were giggling and teased her after that class.

Not the “debt” word but the “death” word was Brigitte’s mispronounced word. It was our Home technology class. Of all the words that she is going to mispronounce you are going to ask “why dit or death?”. It is because that during our Home technology class, we had a t-shirt printing project. Now I know how to print t-shirt(s) in a very very simple way. As I saying, Josephine draw a picture with the word “death”. The word was also not so clear so when Brigitte tried to read it, she said “ah dit”.

The last but not the least. The word “segment”. I mean who would never forget this word? Grechelle is well known to us because of this word. I was not really there when she spoke it but my friends told me about it.

Do you know that because if these mispronounced words, our friendship became tighter than before? The point is that we still value our friendship even though we commit a lot of mistakes…

beat the heat

We can really really really feel the heat of the atmosphere right now right? This just means that summer is really really really approaching. I really really really hate and like summer. Why do I like summer? It is because that we go to the beach and have picnic or swimming at the cool waters of the beach. Another is that we always eat shakes to cool off our bodies. But why do I hate summer? Because the plants that I am taking care of, well most of them, will die. And I can hardly sleep well at night because of the warmness of the room. And it is very very very dusty because there is hardly water everywhere that can somehow minimize the dust. And the deadly thing is Skin Cancer is prone to almost everybody.

But how do we beat the hotness of the sun? How do we beat the hotness produced by the sun and atmosphere? For you readers, I want to tell you some things that I did with my family in order to beat the summer heat...

*go to the beach or swimming pool

Yes going to the beach either with your family or friends is one way to beat the heat. Swimming at the cool waters of the beach or the swimming pool is good and fun but do not forget to apply skin block lotion unto your body to prevent skin cancer. One thing that the beach or the pool can help us is that they help us cool our bodies. The swimming pool's I know here in Cebu and we have been to are namely Villaterisita which is somewhere in Talisay, Blue Reef, Family Park and many many more. But guys let us not forget the beaches here in Cebu. Do you know the best resort I have been to? It was the Kawasan Falls in Badian. I tell you, it is really really really nice there. The falls are very very very big and the force is sooo strong. You can also ride on their rafts.

*make delicious and refreshing shakes

I really really really missed the Mango and Chocolate shakes the neighboring bakery use to make during the summer. They were really really really delicious and yummy. They also contain some vitamins that are also good to our health. And the important thing is they do to us is that they help our bodies to be refreshed and cooled off from the heat. But if there are no stores that sell mouth-watering shakes, you can make one in your very very very own homes. Just make sure you have some blender and the ingredients for the shake you want to make. But kids should not be allowed to make their own shakes or they will get their selves hurt and trouble.

*do not forget the fans

It maybe tiring but it is more affordable and convenient to use fans than to go to the beach or buy yourselves a shake. Yes moving your hands to cool you off is really really really tiring but at least you can save money.

So prepare yourselves for the greatest battle you'll face. Be ready to beat the heat.

On being taught by a student(KYSD)

Here in UP High, we celebrate one celebration during the month of February and this is what we call the "Know Your School Day". During these days, the teachers choose students to teach their fellow students about the subject they want to teach. The teachers also consider this as their "Day-Off" because they would rest for a few days and let the selected students to handle and take over. At the end of the day, the student teachers are given reward like additional points or material incentives like free food or meal(an example of which is the student teachers in English were given a free mael care of Mr Montejo himself, our English teacher).

Last year's Know your School Day, I was a student teacher for the Filipino subject. It was really really really tough to teach your fellow classmates.Sometimes while you are teaching them, they won't listen, they keep on talking or they do unecessary things. As a teacher, I was really really really annoyed and irratated the way the students treated me. But this year's "Know Your School Day", I did not join as a student teacher but as a student. The student teacher also tell us to keep quiet but eventhough the teachers will have to shout very very very hard and loud, the students will still won't listen. The students are very very very hard headed if their teacher is just their classmate.

And when the student teachers will give us a test, I admit that I sometimes complain but we do not have any choices but to follow our student teachers because they have more power on us. But many many students complain about having a test.

As our student teachers open their books and start teaching us, I will then sit up straight and listen very very very well so that I can understand the lessons so that I won't have a hard time understanding the lessons.

There are some students who teach very very very well but it cannot be avoided that there are somt student teachers who teach badly.

For those who teach very very very well, I understand right away because of the way they teach us. The student teachers that we had had different styles in teaching. Some had a game first before the discussion. Some had a story-telling before the discussion and many many many more styles. I like the game first before the discussion. It makes me awake, alert and prepared for the discussion.

Some student teachers have a soft voice that I can hardly hear a word he or she is saying. If ever the student teacher has a soft voice which I think is his or her nature, I will have to go to the platform and squat on the floor to be able to listen and hear every word he or she is saying and also to understand the lesson he or she is saying.

But I am thankful for this year's "Know Your School Day" celebration because the student teachers were good. They made us understand well. If we need help, they will help us of course and not only they taught us lessons but also lessons in our daily lives....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

embarrassing moment of the day

It was a very hot day. A really really really hot day. Even though we can feel the coolness produced by the electric fans in our classroom, it was still very hot and warm. At that time, me, Allana Mae Muñoz and Brigitte Cabalquinto were having a chat about Brigitte's brother. We were talking about her brother's school which is Cebu Normal University. But then, I felt weird. I paused for a while and found out that my stomach was gurgling. I was really really really hungry. So I told the two of them that we should eat lunch.

I then got my lunch pack from my bag. I turned my chair around so that it would be facing Allana and Brigitte. I then placed my lunch on my table and started to eat. We continued our chat about Brigitte's brother. Then we started talking about her brother's school and it's facilities. At that time also, we were not alone. There was another person in the classroom. His name was Aiden Bruce Tallo. We really really really do not know what he was doing at that time but all we know is that he was cleaning up the messes on the platform. He was keeping and arranging the manila papers attached to blackboard. As I was saying, we were talking about Brigitte's brother and his school. But then I remembered my cousin who was also studying at the same school as Brigitte's brother. I mentioned her to my close friends. I then told them about the experiences of my cousin. The first day of her school and the Miss Nursing thingy. I told them that my cousin joined the pageant. Well the truth was that my cousin was just forced to join the so called "Miss Nursing" at her school because her classmates told her to. To tell you the truth, my cousin has a nice figure and body so she is qualified to join the said pageant.

When I mentioned this "Miss Nursing" to my best friends, Brigitte said, "Aw o... Miss Nursing.. Ako kuya...". When she said it, I paused and thought that there was something wrong with what she said. But then, while I was thinking of what has Brigitte said, Allana said,"Ha? Imong Kuya apil ug Miss Nursing?". Yes! That was it! Brigitte said something inappropriate and that was it! When Allana said the words, we started to laugh hard. We really really really laughed hard because of what Brigitte said and it's meaning.

After we had lunch, I teased Brigitte that her brother was gay. She kept on saying that she only said it wrongly. We knew that she said it wrongly but saying something wrong is already a big big big issue to us. Even mispronunciating the words is already a big issue to us like mispronunciating the word "speaking, midpoint" and many more. After a while, I went to my locker to get something. After I got my things from my locker, I teased Brigitte again about her brother. She told me that her brother is not gay. I shouted "I can't hear you." But as I was shouting, I slipped! They saw me slipped. Just as when Allana turned her to my direction and Aiden also turned his head at my direction, they saw me! Then when I got up, they started teasing me. They said that I was trying to follow Manny Villar in his commercial on televison. I was really embarrased that I can hardly face my friends...