Saturday, February 3, 2007

high school life

"Excuse me but where do you go to school?" This is only one of the questions asked to me everywhere I go. I am a student of one of the best universities here in Cebu. Some say that this university is an advanced university and yes, it is truly is. But what is really going on in this university?

"Ok class this assignment is due on...". This is only one of what the teachers will tell you if you have any assignments. When I was in first year, I really had problems in adjusting because some subjects are new not only to me but also to those students who came from a public school. I , myself came from a public school that is why I had some problems. But as the days go by, I was able to adjust to my new life.

I was lucky because I was able to finish my first year without any back subjects. The term back subject(s) means that when you reach your next year and you had failing subject in your previous year, you have to take it again. You have to take the failing subject again in your next year. As I was saying, I didn't have any back subjects.

When I reached my second year, I was shocked the first time I watched my new schedule for the second years. It is because I caught sight of the word "Chemistry" and "Geometry". I thought I was reading the wrong schedule and I also thought that this might be the schedule of the third years or maybe it was wrongly given to us. But it was really true. This schedule I am holding is really our schedlue for the second years.

I was really looking forward for this new subjects. And when we had our first class in Geometry, I found out that I was wrong. Geometry is not a difficult subject. Our first class in Geometry was fun because our teacher was easy to go with. Our teacher for this subject was Mr. Manlunas. Mr. Manlunas didn't stay any longer because he has to go to the states. There is an opportunity for him awaiting there. So the faculty had some "auditions" for the empty post. And not long after, the faculty was able to find the one. She was also a nice teacher and she is Madam Kerr. This teacher of ours is not so strict but funny and also easy to go with just like Mr. Manlunas.

Then we had our first Chemistry class. The teacher assigned fot this post was the opposite of our Geometry teacher. Strict and scary. But as we get to know her, we found out that she was not a "terrible" teacher after all. Behind her being strict and scary teacher is a funny and nice character. We even treat her as our second "mama" because she is really a good person and she really cares for us. This teacher I am talking about is no other than Madam Lapa.

We also had a new subject. This new subject I am talking about is Biology. I was not shocked when I saw this in our daily schedule. The teachers for this subject were Miss Cadiz and Madam Carvajal. Madam Carvajal is also a nice teacher and is the bestfirend our Chemistry teacher.

Then we still had our old subjects like Algebra, Filipino, Hometechnology II, Health, PE, English and Social Science.

But you know, one thing I like in this university is that they held different kinds of celebrations my older school has never held before. I am talking about the Communications and Arts Week, Intramurals, Science Week and many many more.

Another thing that I like in this university is the Field Trip. In my older school, we never had any field trips and whatever.

As I stay longer in this university, I learned to love, protect and treat it as my second home. I am happy that I was accepted in this university because I heared that not all people are accepted in this university. When I was accepted here, I was really really happy. I am proud that I was able to study in one of the best universities here in Cebu and I also consider myself lucky. I am really proud to be a UPian......


Who doesn't like having a cold? Me, I really hate having one. It is because that you should bring a hanky or a handy towel everywhere you go. You are even afraid that it might go out or it might "spill".

The last weeks of January and the first weeks of February are the days wherein the weather is really cold. And if the weather is really cold, common cold is common to the atmosphere. Based on what my cousin told me, (she is a nursing student currently studying in CNU) the virus causing this thing is active during the cold season. That is why you will notice that people are always sneezing when the environment is cold.
The signs are unmistakable: scratchy throat, watery eyes, stuffed-up head. What are we going to do with this? I have tips for you on how to beat cold:

Keep at least three feet away from coughers and sneezers. That's how far airborne droplets from a cough or sneeze can travel.

Wash your hands often. Most colds are transmitted through indirect physical contact. For instance, a sick person who transfers her nose to her hands contaminates any object she touches. This is why is hand-washing is by far the most important thing you can do to avoid catching cold.

Beware of closed-in spaces. Office buildings with poor air circulation are a high-risk environment because cold viruses can't escape. What's worse. low humidity dries the mucous membranes that normally trap and dispose of viral invaders. The best antidote is to frequently mist your nostrils with an over-the-counter saltwater nasal spray.

Drink plenty of fluids. They help flush germs from your body and ward off the dehydration that often accompanies colds. To counteract this, drink at least eight glasses of water, fruit juice or other noncaffeinated fluids everyday.

Don't rub your eyes and nose so much. If you must, use a knuckle, not a fingertip, because it is likely to be teeming with germs.

Get off the couch. Thirty to 45 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking, cycling or dancing three times a week, is all it takes to enhance your resistance to upper-respiratory-tract infections.

Sterilize your sponges. Lots of colds are caught in the kitchen. The biggest culprits: sponges and dishrags, which provide warm, moist environments that cold germs thrive in. Your best defense is to put these items in the dish-washer on the hot cycle two to three times a week.

Take vitamins E and C. Vitamin E is believed to play an important role in immune function. Vitamin C reduces the duration and severity of symptoms

Calm that cough. A syrup that contains a suppressant is best for dry, hacking coughs. For productive coughs(the kind that produce phlegm), go with a formulation containing an expectorant, such as guaifenesin, which thins mucous secretions so they're easier to cough up.

Get a good night's sleep every night. This keeps your immune cells powered up.

Take the right decongestant. For a stuffy nose, decongestant drops and sprays relieve symptoms faster than oral drugs and cause fewer side effects.

Soothe a sore throat. Gargling with warm salt water(one teaspoon of salt per cup of fluid) work.

Try natural remedies. Echinacea, an edible flower, is believed to enhance your resistance to colds.

Have low-fat chicken soup at lunch or dinner. Chicken soup does seem to have an especially soothing effect.

When you're sick with cold, try to be extra-vigilant about keeping germs to yourself by covering up coughs and sneezes. Teach children to do the same.

Source: Reader's Digest

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Welcome 2007! A new year and a new life. How did you spend your New year? Where did you spend it? In the province? In the city? Or in a restaurant? What kinds of foods did you prepare? Did you display fireworks? What kinds of fireworks? But eventhough fireworks are nice, these things can also cause accidents.

We know they can cause injury and even death right? As we always know, they cannot be avoided. It can happen anytime. And also based on what I have read in the dictionary, accident is anything which is unexpected or any unfortunate event involving injury. But you know, I really believe in this statement that accidents can happen anytime and anywhere and I am going to tell you one proof.

This story I am going to tell you is about my scary and funny experience last new year and how I spent it.

December 31, 2006. Last day of the year. Almost everyone is preparing for the new year. Some are going out to buy fireworks. Some are just staying inside their houses to prepare. But my family just stayed indoors and planned to have an agreement. We agreed that the older ones are going to cook while the younger ones are going to clean and prepare the house. Our grandfather is of course exempted from this agreement. In the morning, me and my cousin started cleaning the rooms while my other cousins cleaned the living and dining rooms and the kitchen. Then we had our lunch. We were not yet done with the cleaning and also the older people are not yet done with their cooking. After we had our lunch, we continued on our cleaning. But then my mom asked me to call our neighbor to ask when will the evening mass start. When I called up, this person told me that the evening mass will start at 9 o'clock in the evening. When my mom knew this, she insisted me to prepare what clothes I am going to wear. Then after I prepared my clothes I continued on my cleaning. Cleaning............... Cleaning.............. Cleaning here.............. Cleaning there................ Cleaning................... Cleaning everywhere........

And then it came. The evening mass came. When we arrived at the church, you really cannot imagine the people. You can't even breath properly because of the crowd. But unfortunately, we came early. Me and my cousin intended to came early so that we can save chairs. But do you know what happened to our saved chairs? One guy approached us and asked for a chair. Of course we disagreed but he insisted to have one. I just gave him one chair because there is nothing I can do. He is really a demanding person. And you know giving a chair means that I will be standing for an hour and a half. I was really unfortunate.

And then it came. The mass was at last finished. We went directly to our houses and prepared for the new year. Thirty minutes to twelve, we started eating. After we ate, we went outside to watch the fireworks. There were many kinds of fireworks. With different colors and styles. When we were about to go inside to go to sleep, our close neighbor called us and gave us something. As we came closer, we noticed that he was going to give fireworks. When we received the firecrackers, we called the father of my cousin to light up the those things.

Before we started lighting up the firecrackers, my uncle wanted to try taping together two different firecrackers. At first it worked but at the second time, one of the firecrackers backfired and went directly almost in front of me. I was so scared that I ran away very fast. When I was far from that thing, that was the time it exploded.

To all those people who only watch these things, here is a tip from the expert: Do not stay outdoors and watch these fiereworks if this someone who is lighting up these things cannot be trusted or suspicious.