Monday, January 29, 2007


Have you ever been in love with someone expecting that he loves you too? My friend has. But does this guy loves her in return?

She has been in love many times but she has never felt this thing with this guy. She has loved him very much that she even loved him more than herself. She first met him at the first day of school. When she met him, she thought she was going to faint. Every time she sees him and the guy looks at her, it's like it's her best time in her life. But one time, a friend told her a bad news.

Her friend told her that this guy who she is in love with has a crush on one of her schoolmates. Of course you can tell her reaction! She was sad. She hated the world. She hated that girl. But not until then, she realized that it is not the girls fault. So she just moved on. Then her feelings for this guy came back again. And now she wanted to tell the guy how much she loves him. So that it won't be too late.

So one day, she wanted to tell the guy how much she loves him but then when she was a little bit farther from him, she freaked out! She told herself, "there is still tomorrow". And so she just went back.

When tomorrow came, she has to tell the guy about her feelings. And unfortunately, she chickened out again. Her bestfriend told her that how can she tell him about her feelings if she always chicken out? So at night she planned that she will just tell him if he is just alone. But she doesn't know where he is alone. She told herself no matter what happens, she will have to do it.

And then it came. When she arrived at school she was really nervous. She thinks that she can't do it anymore. Not until the guy came up and approached her. She told herself "this is it.Time to --" but then someone called the guy! It was his bestfriend. The guy told her that can she meet him at the canteen because he wants to borrow something. My friend agreed and at last she will have to tell him about her feelings.

When she arrived at the canteen, she saw the guy and approached him. And when she sat down, the guy told him if he can borrow one of her books. My friend said yes and then told the guy that she has something to tell him. The guy told her to tell him. She told him that he was really a nice guy. She also told him that she has not felt this way before. When she was about to tell him about her feelings, a girl called out to the guy. But wait! She has heared that voice before! And when this girl came up, she was shocked! It was her another bestfriend! Then her bestfriend sat down next to the guy. Her friend told her that this guy, in front of her is her boyfriend. She never believed it at first but the guy personally told her that it was true. She wanted to stay away. She told the guy that she has to go because she has something to do.

When she walked out, she went directly to her teacher asking if she can cut classes because she is not feeling well. Her teacher permitted her and asked her to go home directly. When she arrived at her house, her brother invited her to eat but she neglected. She went directly in her room and then she cried. She cried a lot. And did you know? This is her first time to cry over a guy.

She didn't came to school the next day. She just came back the day after tomorrow. She just let herself to move on and find another guy. And until now, she is still suffering from this disastrous and devastating thing.
It has been proven again that love is really UNFAIR.....

Saturday, January 27, 2007

ViCtOrY! ViCtOrY! ViCtOrY!

Who says it is impossible to win over someone who is older than you? For me, I don't believe this. Why? I am going to tell you a story.

Month of November 2006. First day of our Intramurals celebration. Pressure and excitement is surrounding the atmosphere especialy to us, the Softball team of the Sophies. If only you know about our sad experience last year. But all right, I am going to tell you.

It was our first time to play Softball with the other years but unfortunately, we weren't able to bring home the bacon.It was really a sad experience. That is why we practiced hard so that it won't happen again.
Our first game was against the Seniors. As always expected, we were defeated. But did you know what happened? A big miracle happened! It was at that time that I realized that if we just persevere enough, everything is possible. The Seniors were shocked that we had a strong defense. They never knew that we could be that strong. Even I myself could not believe that we are much professional than before. I never knew that our defense began to rock! I just knew that we practiced hard. At first we were nervous because Karen, our pitcher, throws the ball at the wrong direction causing a freewalk. I was stationed behind her as the center fielder. I keep on telling her to stay calm and the words:"don't be too nervous. We can do it". As the game goes on, our team became stronger but we were defeated again.

Our second game was against the Freshies and luckily we won! We weren't expecting this because the Freshies also had a good defense but I think they lack something. I think they lack confidence. Because I notice that if their score is too low,their fighting spirits suddenly vanish. But we, even though we knew that we are going to loose or our score is too low, we just smile and lighten our spirits. There is always a chance. And the next time we teach and practice the lower years, we will never forget to tell them to always have a fighting spirit.

As I was saying, after the game with the Freshies, our next game was against the Juniors. Our team has been waiting for this time to come. Why? After Our defeat against them, when we were still in our first year, we promised to persevere, work and practice hard. And now the time has come to show to them how prepared we are.

Morning at the last day of our Intamurals at the back of the Cultural Building this moment happened. The winner in this competition will face the Seniors in the finals. One reason why we really want to be in the finals is that we will be able to accept our banner as a team on the stage.

When it was time to start the game, we chose defense so that if ever the Juniors are in lead, there is still a possibility that we can take the lead because the first team who chose defense will be the last to bat. The Juniors started the game with their first bat. Then we had our turn.The bad thing is that they were in lead so we have to do more. When it was our last time to bat, we prayed and told ourselves that if it is His will that we will be defeated, we will just have to accept it but we should try our best. And when it was time, we never knew that we will be able to take the lead. The game ended with our victory. Beating the Juniors was such a great honor. But this doesn't end here. We still have to practice again and again to be able to reach our true VICTORY....